Sunday, April 17, 2016

Research Report

            This blog serves as a report on the different sources I used as evidence for my public argument. All of my evidence is from web-based articles.

Author, and Host: Alex Buscemi writing for Total Fraternity Move
Source's Authors: Writer/Content Manager for @GRANDEXinc and @totalfratmove. Recent graduate of USC ('15). Member of Total Frat Move since 8/21/14.
Target Audience for Source: The target audience for this source is all his followers on Total Frat Move, to inform them of the resolution that was passed, as well as, voice his own opinion on the situation. His tone gets a little aggressive at the end, and he does not attend the U of A, so he could not have too many of his facts correct.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform all of his followers of this new resolution passed by the U of A Panhellenic Council and to inform the readers about what he thinks about the entire situation.
Contextual Details: Although very informal (which is expected), his passion for this argument really spiked my interest in this subject. His article was the first that I heard about this resolution being passed.

Author, and Host: Veronica Ruckh, writing for Total Sorority Move
Source's Authors: Director of Total Sorority Move for @GRANDEXinc. Member since 3/3/11
Target Audience for Source: The target audience for this source is all her followers on Total Sorority Move, specifically sorority and fraternity members. For analyzing a case study, she keeps it really casual which can be a turn off to those that want to take it seriously.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform all of her followers of a case study held by two researchers that show that non-greek members are more hyper-masculine than men in fraternities, and that fraternity men are only appear to be filled with hypermasculinity.
Contextual Details: I used this article as a source because it analyzes the case study and outlines the key findings of the article, all while tapping into the emotions of your average college kid. This article supports my claim that fraternity men aren't what people make them out to be.

Source: Daily Wildcat
Author, and Host: Leah Merrall, writing for the Daily Wildcat
Source's Authors: Writer for Daily Wildcat since February 2016.
Target Audience for Source: The target audience for this source is readers of the Daily Wildcat.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to discuss the resolution that was passed by the Panhellenic Council and to explain the reasoning behind it by quoting Allie Pattberg.
Contextual Details: I used this article as a source because it provides information for those who are pro-ban. I used this source to explain pattberg's side in my essay, and it also helps with my counterargument.

Source: Daily Wildcat
Author, and Host: Chastity Laskey, writing for the Daily Wildcat
Source's Authors: News Report for Daily Wildcat, Executive News Editor @bottle_magazine, Journalism and Communications student.
Target Audience for Source: The target audience for this source is readers of the Daily Wildcat.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform readers about the start of the "I Will" campaign and the week of activities that are planned. It discusses the campaign, what it stands for, and what it plans to accomplish
Contextual Details: I used this article as a source because it provides information for those who are pro-ban, to help me form my counterargument so that there are no holes in my argument.

Source: Daily Wildcat
Author, and Host: Elise McClain, writing for the Daily Wildcat
Source's Authors: N/A
Target Audience for Source: The target audience for this source is readers of the Daily Wildcat.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform readers about a piece of investigative journalism regarding sexual abuse called "The Hunting Ground" and how it relates to the University of Arizona campus.
Contextual Details: I will use this article to show my audience that greek life at the UA campus is already looked down upon. UA's Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) was said to have a reputation of having the name "Sexual Assault Expected." I will try and refute the accusations made here.

Source: Daily Wildcat
Author, and Host: Brandi Walker and Christianna Silva and Meghan Fernandez, writing for the Daily Wildcat.
Source's Authors: Brandi Walker- KOLD News 13/Fox 11 Intern & Photographer at The Daily Wildcat.
Christianna Silva- El Independiente, Arizona Daily Star,Bottle Magazine, The University of Arizona, Arizona Daily Wildcat, MergerWatch
Meghan Fernandez- N/A
Target Audience for Source: The target audience for this source is readers of the Daily Wildcat.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform readers about an investigation on a report of sexual assault that happened near a fraternity house.
Contextual Details: I will use this article to show my audience that fraternities automatically are targeted for situations of sexual assault, simply because they are so easy to blame. This article was perfect, because, initially, the writers were accusing the fraternity house of being part of the investigation. It turns out that the fraternity was not involved at all, and were not be accused of anything.

Source: Daily Wildcat
Author, and Host: Devon Walo, writing for the Daily Wildcat.
Source's Authors: Devon Walo, Marketing Associate at Daily Wildcat, Vice President of Communications for Sigma Kappa Sorority.
Target Audience for Source: The target audience for this source is readers of the Daily Wildcat.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform readers that greek life is constantly looking for ways to combat assault and alcohol abuse, and to show that greek life isn't the problem, rather the solution.
Contextual Details: I will use this article in support of my argument by quoting Jamie Utt of WRC Men's Programming to help show that it isn't the fraternity men who are the problem and are uneducated, rather, they are the ones that set the example for non-greek members.

Author, and Host: Fraternity and Sorority Programs
Source's Authors: Greek Life at the University of Arizona
Target Audience for Source: All fraternities, sororities, national headquarters for each chapter, IFC Council and Panhellenic Council.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to show all reports of cited violations by any greek organization on the University of Arizona for the 2013-2014 school year.
Contextual Details: I will use this data source in support of my argument to show that sexual assault in fraternities has not been an issue over the years.

Author, and Host: Fraternity and Sorority Programs
Source's Authors: Greek Life at the University of Arizona
Target Audience for Source: All fraternities, sororities, national headquarters for each chapter, IFC Council and Panhellenic Council.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to show all reports of cited violations by any greek organization on the University of Arizona for the 2014-2015 school year.
Contextual Details: I will use this data source in support of my argument to show that sexual assault in fraternities has not been an issue over the years.

Author, and Host: Fraternity and Sorority Programs
Source's Authors: Greek Life at the University of Arizona
Target Audience for Source: All fraternities, sororities, national headquarters for each chapter, IFC Council and Panhellenic Council.
Source's Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to describe what the Greek Standard's Board is at the University of Arizona, their constitution, how to file a complaint, and how to become a member of the board.
Contextual Details: I will use this data source in support of my argument to show that fraternity men and sorority women hold each other accountable for ALL of their actions and that their is actually a board in each chapter where members will be sent if a complaint is filed against them.

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