Sunday, April 24, 2016

Editorial Report 13a

            This blogpost served to compare my rough cut in relation to the final cut for Project 3.

Selection from Rough Cut:

After reading the article by Buscemi, and both aforementioned Daily Wildcat Articles, I found myself initially stuck at a crossroad, but my opinion was ultimately swayed after some more research and some reflection on my very own chapter. I am part of the newest class of brothers in the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon, also known as SigEp. Being fairly new to the chapter, I have gotten a sense of what greek life at the UA really is, while still being aware of the “outside world,” which I believe makes me a good voice for this argument. Actually being a part of greek life has totally broken all my former thoughts on what a fraternity is and what they value. I have been able to separate the truth from the rumors, and I have to say, fraternity life is not everything that people say it is. Fraternities are known for being comprised of douchey assholes, and sororities are labeled as ditsy sluts, both targeted for “paying for your friends.” Sure, as bad as it is, some people do fit these awful labels, but that’s a very small percentage, and I firmly believe that everyone has a skewed vision on what greek life really is. The standards that each fraternity and sorority is held to is much higher than one would expect, and there are many rules and regulations that we have to follow.

Re-edited Selection:

I am part of the newest class of brothers in the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon, also known as SigEp. Being fairly new to the chapter, I have gotten a sense of what greek life at the UA really is, while still being aware of the “outside world,” which I believe makes me a good voice for this argument. Actually being a part of greek life has shattered all my former thoughts on what a fraternity is and what they value. Fraternities are known for being comprised of douchey assholes, and sororities are labeled as ditsy sluts, both targeted for “paying for your friends.” Sure, as bad as it is, some people do fit these awful labels, but that’s a very small percentage, and I firmly believe that everyone has a skewed vision on what greek life really is. The standards that each fraternity and sorority are held to is much higher than one would expect, and there are many rules and regulations that they have to follow.

For this re-edited version there wasn't too big of a change, I basically omitted the first sentence of the paragraph. I did this in an attempt to make my essay less personal. Even though it was a small change I believe that it made a big difference overall in how my paper turned out. I made corrections like these throughout my entire paper. I even made sure to take out the use of the word "we" and used "they" instead to make it more credible.

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