Sunday, April 17, 2016

Production Report 11a

            This blogpost serves as an update on how I moved from my Content Outline into a Rough Cut of a certain section of my outline.

  • How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
The form of my content in the raw material was pretty simple, just standard paragraphs as part of standard college essay. Quotes were used to properly insert pieces of evidence inside my essay.

  • How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
The production of this raw material actually went really well. I realized I was very passionate about this subject, and I was able to find evidence in support of my data, so I believe that I have a sold draft to work with.

Outline Item: Opening Section

For the opening section of my Public Argument, I plan on addressing the situation at hand, along with some background information to give the reader an idea of where the situation started from. I should also include how I personally came across the issue. After some context for the essay has been established I will express my argument that the essay will be based on.

Adaptation of Outline Item: Opening Section

It was a typical Sunday night, I was sitting in my living room with my sisters doing some homework and all of a sudden my phone starts to blow up. The source of all the notifications was coming from my fraternities GroupMe where one of the members shared a link to an article from the website many college students follow, Total Frat Move. The link was to an article about fraternity’s serenades written by TFM member, Alex Buscemi, titled U of Arizona Fraternities Banned From Dancing For Sororities Because It “Promotes Rape Culture”. For those of you who do not know what it means by serenading in Greek Life, serenading is when the newest pledge class of a fraternity goes to a sorority's chapter and presents a performance that is usually a musical act with dancing involved. It is very clear from the article that Buscemi was livid about this accusation that serenading sororities promotes rape culture and my fellow brothers also had some strong feelings in support of Buscemi. I was inspired by how they all came together to have an actual conversation about this situation, looking at it from all perspectives. I personally am writing this article in support of Buscemi, and all other Greek members at the University of Arizona who are against putting additional restrictions on serenades.

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