Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 12a

           This blog serves as an update from the Rough Cut stage to a revised version of the Rough Cut.

            Since I fell behind in my pre-production phase, I went straight from an outline, to a detailed rough draft. Due to this, I don't have anything to compare my rough draft to, but I will give an update on my progress thus far. The following section of my essay is a disclaimer I made before I went into the public argument. I think I covered everything properly, but I do think it is a little lengthy. I also hope it doesn't take away from my argument. Over the next week I will be refining this part of my essay.

Rough Draft: Disclaimer Section

"Before I start this discussion I would like to take a moment to make a couple statements about my views on this situation. First off, I cannot speak on behalf of my chapter and/or the rest of Greek life across the University of Arizona, rather, I am acting as a voice for those against placing regulations on fraternities serenading sororities. I am aware that the topic of sexual assault and/or rape culture can be a sensitive, and I will do my best not to offend anyone while expressing my side of the argument. I, in no way, am in support of “rape culture,” but I firmly believe that some acts should not be deemed as such when they truly are harmless and meant for the entertainment of all participants of greek life. Lastly, my intentions are not to disrespect anyone or their beliefs, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so keep an open mind while reading through this essay."

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