Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review 12b

            For this blogpost, I talk about my peer review for David Klebosky's Podcast for Project 3.

Author: David Klebosky

Title & Link to Project: Satire is Making Way For Absurdism

            For this peer review I opted to make a content suggestion for David's podcast. Podcasts can be really tricky because you want to keep the audience's attention with interesting topics, sound effects, and keeping it to the point. At the same time you want to make sure that the audience fully understands what your point is. David provided us with a link to his script and a rough cut of his podcast. He has a great voice for podcasts and I really was impressed on how simply his tone kept me engaged, I felt like he was interacting with me, it didn't seem robotic. However, I did notice that I would simply get lost at times because I felt like there was too much going on. It could have been that there was no editing and it was just a raw reading of the script so there were a lot of mistakes.
             Anyways, since this is a Public Argument, I really do appreciate the jokes thrown in here and there, but at the same time I feel like that knocks down his credibility a little bit. I appreciate his attempt to engage the audience and make it seem lighthearted, it really does have an affect on keeping the listener engaged, but it can also get distracting. I would suggest just cutting out any unnecessary commentary that neither benefits nor takes away from his podcast. He is definitely on the right track, he just needs to make sure he keeps the argument concise, because right now the podcast is around 16 minutes, and personally I can't pay attention to one thing for that long.

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