Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review 12a

             For this Peer Review, I reviewed Emily Bond's Quick Reference Guide Rough Cut on Childhood Obesity.

Author: Emily Bond

Title & Link to Project: The Kids Aren't Alright

            For this peer review activity, I decided to make a suggestion on the form of her Quick Reference Guide. I noticed that she could make a subtle change that would make such a big difference on the entire project, one that I had to make when I created my QRG. I suggest that Emily creates a little more whitespace in her QRG. Having the sections stacked right after each other makes for a cluttered look. Her QRG looks great and professional already, but spacing the different sections out would make the QRG appear less wordy and be easier on the eye. Having a lot to read could deter her target audience. Emily does a great job of incorporating relevant images and placing them with an in-text wrap to break up the different sections of text. Her rough cut is in solid shape, just a little tweaking here and there and she will have a great project.

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