Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

            The following blogpost is intended to provide my peers with a link to my final cut for Project 3, as well as discuss the strengths and weaknesses of my Standard College Essay.

The link to my Standard College Essay can be found here.

            For Project 3 I wrote about a sensitive topic, rape culture, in relation to fraternity serenades and how additional restrictions on what fraternities can do will only lead to the demise of greek life at the University of Arizona. It was difficult for me to try and figure out a way to structure my paper without being offensive to my readers. I have never really written a public argument, so I tried to get my point across, but kept in mind all the possible types of audiences I may have. In the end, I believe I created a a good public argument that voiced my opinion, and in a professional way.

             I think that one of my biggest strengths of my paper is making the disclaimer before I went in the public argument. When I started writing, I felt like I was walking on thin ice, but by clarifying to my readers my personal stance on the subject, I think that will make them have a more open mind as they read my essay.

            One of my weaknesses is that I feel like it could have been too personal that it doesn't make me or my support seem credible. When I went through the revision process, I made sure to make it as impersonal as I could, while still expressing my ideals on the situation. I think I did a fairly good job, but there is always room for improvement.

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