Sunday, April 17, 2016

Production Report 11b

            This blogpost serves as an update on how I moved from my Content Outline into a Rough Cut of a certain section of my outline.

  • How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
The form of my content in the raw material was pretty simple, just standard paragraphs as part of standard college essay. Quotes were used to properly insert pieces of evidence inside my essay.

  • How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
The production of this raw material actually went really well. I realized I was very passionate about this subject, and I was able to find evidence in support of my data, so I believe that I have a sold draft to work with.

Outline Item: Closing Section

For the closing section I will recap on the argument being made, as well as make suggestions on how to alleviate the situation to benefit my side of the argument. I can include a hypothetical solution with some support to further strengthen my argument at the end. By this point in my paper is is crucial to have my audience swayed towards my opinion.

Adaptation of Outline Item: Closing Section

Members are already being tied back by so many rules, that even more restrictions on how men can dance at serenades is just one step closer to members flaking out on greek life as a whole. That raises the question as to “what’s next?” seeing as though everything nowadays every little thing seems to be out of line for fraternities and sororities. There is already such a negative view against greek life, members should not have to deal with excess and irrelevant accusations. Instead of inflicting self-harm to the greek community, we should all be trying to actively break the stereotypes against fraternities and sororities. If more restrictions keep getting placed for no solid reason, greek life will start to diminish on its own. Yes, it is good to stay cautious and prevent bad things from happening, if change is needed it should be done. However, for something like the serenades which has been a tradition for many years without any issues, change should not be made. This situation is so much bigger than just a ban on serenades, it affects the future of greek life at the University of Arizona.

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