Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review 11a

             For this blogpost I am peer reviewing Alec Eulano's opening section for his Quick Reference Guide.

Author: Alec Eulano

Title & Link to Project: Unknown

             For Alec's production report he provided us with his original content outline and then the rough cut version of what he wanted to say in his opening section. For this peer review I am going to make a form suggestion for his QRG. I'm aware that it is still in the works and he has not yet created his actual QRG, but already I think I can help steer him in the right direction for creating a better QRG. Like he said in his post, the QRG should be written in short paragraphs that are concise and to the point, however, I feel like he has split up his intro into too many parts. Already it is 4 different sections and I think maybe he could make it two. If it is too short, it makes the QRG sound choppy and there is no flow to the reading. It can also be very distracting and difficult to follow once he actually start getting into the meat of his project. So I would suggest keeping the writing conventions in mind, however, don't take it too literally.

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