Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Journal

            The purpose of this blog is to do a rhetorical analysis of one of the academic journals mentioned in the previous blog. For this blogpost  as able to find a hard copy of The Journal of School Business Management.


Who are the authors/speakers published in this specific issue of the academic journal you've selected? How many different authors are published here? What can you find out about these people? How are the authors/speakers portrayed in the journal issue?

            The was this journal is structured is a little odd in the fact that after each article, there is is no writer all. There is, however, a whole page about the editor and he talks about what will be talk about in the journal and explains why it is important. Since this is a small journal, and he is executive director, he seems to have been a huge contributor to this special edition, even though it was clearly a collaborative effort. No writers were specified at all, although, it is possible that they are the handful of people listed under "directors." The Executive Director/Editor, Dr. Michael A. Jacoby, is the author I'll be analyzing. I was able to find him on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. Jacoby is very knowledgeable about the education system in Iowa, so his voice can be heard throughout the articles, in an effort to better the system by improving educators, funding for schools, and how kids learn. (Jacoby, 9)

Who is the intended audience for this particular journal issue? How can you tell? Are there any secondary audiences included here?

            The main audience of this particular journal issue is everyone involved in the Illinois education system. They are all a part of "Vision 20/20" which is a collaborative work run by six different education organizations that represent Illinois' top education leaders. (Jacoby, 7). Jacoby mentions in his editor's note that "we [educators of Illinois] are all a part of the system," meaning that this affects everyone in the state of Illinois. A secondary audience could be educators and school heads in other states that could take ideas  from this publication.

What is the context surrounding this particular journal issue? What purpose is the journal issue trying to achieve?How does this affect the content of the journal?What is the overall message of the journal issue?

            The context of this particular journal issue is educators statewide (in Illinois) are trying to improve all aspects of the education system from the educators all the way to what the school can provide for students. The members of Vision 20/20 "believe the key to continuous improvement in public education relies on the wisdom and innovation of public educators who work with students every day. This is a continuous process." (Jacoby, 9) This central goal affects the content of the journal because it is broken up into four different sections intended to improve the education system. These four section are "Highly Effective Educators, 21st Century Learning, Shared Accountability, and Equitable and Adequate Funding." (Jacoby, 9) The overall message of this journal issue is that there is always room for improvement for any business, and right now, it is time for the education system in Illinois to revise their current strategies and take them a step further to effectively educate students and run a school.

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