Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Draft of Project 1

           The following blog links readers to the First Draft of Project 1. The genre that I chose for Project 1 is a Quick Reference Guide.

K. Latham. "Did you receive your #NWOSU quick Reference Guide to NCAA Rules for Fans, Friends, Boosters, and Alumni."
9/23/2013 via Flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

           The link above take you to my First Draft for Project 1. It should be noted that it is currently very content heavy, I will most likely go through and filter out some information that is currently in it. I plan to make it look nice and more inviting because right now I feel like it is sort of monotone. I am trying to get some interactive graphics inside, still figuring out how I should do that though. I plan on creating a few more subheadings and providing more information, but I feel like I've covered a big chunk of what I need to cover and I mainly need to refine. I would definitely like some feedback on my attempt to create a pull quote and I plan to change the color scheme so any suggestions on that would be awesome. Also, any suggestions on how I should place photos/infographics would be great...working inside a GoogleDoc is kind of hard because I don't have much freedom. Any suggestions to make it more visually appealing would be appreciated.


  1. Hi PJ! Your quick reference guide was really good! Click here for the completed rubric.

  2. You did a great job PJ. It gives me some ideas for how to fix my project. Here's my rubric.

  3. Here is a review of your QRG. Thanks!


  4. https://docs.google.com/a/email.arizona.edu/document/d/12XtMmmjSAm3jCPre4PALsMvBgWaw-pqth6ilrXRfD48/edit?usp=sharing
