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Give us the name of each interviewee and write a short summary of the kinds of professional publications they've authored (according to their website, CV and/or other easily findable online resources that list their publications).
Allison Gabriel:
Gabriel's work expertise include emotions at work, emotional labor, motivation, employ well being, etc. That being said, she is very knowledgeable about the psychology behind employees in the workspace. She has written in journals such as the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal and many other similar journals. Her main topic that is covered in her articles is emotions at work and what factors play a role in employees' emotions.
Jerel Slaughter:
Slaughter's work expertise cover recruitment and applicant attraction, decision making in recruitment and selection, deviant and unethical behavior in organizations. The publications that he has contributed to include Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, American Journal of Health Promotion and a good amount of other journals. His writings seem to talk about decision making for new employees, employer image and employer branding.
Track down a few of their publications online. Be sure to examine at least two different publications by each interviewee (and hyperlink us to the two examples for each). What professional genres has each interviewee written in?
Allison Gabriel:
Journal of Applied Psychology (2015) - This publication was written as scholarly article that includes a few graphs and flow charts that help to explain the information in the article.
Motivation and Emotion (2010) - This publication was written as scholarly article that includes a few graphs and flow charts that help to explain the information in the article.
These two different articles, from different time periods and publishers, have very similar formats. They talk about their approach, hypotheses, methods, data, results and analysis of their data found for their research topic. Both of them were written as research articles.
Jerel Slaughter:
Personnel Psychology (2011) - This publication was written as scholarly article that includes a few graphs and flow charts that help to explain the information in the article. It is very data driven and
Journal of Applied Psychology (2005) - This publication was written as scholarly article that includes a few graphs and flow charts that help to explain the information in the article.
These two different articles, from different time periods and publishers, have very similar formats. They talk about their approach, hypotheses, methods, data, results and analysis of their data found for their research topic. Both of them were written as research articles.
Jerel Slaughter:
Personnel Psychology (2011) - This publication was written as scholarly article that includes a few graphs and flow charts that help to explain the information in the article. It is very data driven and
Journal of Applied Psychology (2005) - This publication was written as scholarly article that includes a few graphs and flow charts that help to explain the information in the article.
These two different articles, from different time periods and publishers, have very similar formats. They talk about their approach, hypotheses, methods, data, results and analysis of their data found for their research topic. Both of them were written as research articles.
What is the context surrounding the two different pieces published by each of your interviewees/What purpose is each piece trying to achieve?
Journal of Applied Psychology (2015) - This article was aimed towards analyzing the influence of power and solidarity on emotional displays at work. They studied relative power and solidarity on the emotions of employees at work in different situations
Motivation and Emotion (2010) - This article studied a couple different emotional labor strategies that employees use to comply with their emotional expectations at work. The authors studied surface acting (fake emotions) and deep acting (trying a forced emotion).
Personnel Psychology (2011) - This article co-authored by Jerel Slaughter looked deeper into work engagement and its correlation to task and correlation experience. They used meta-analytic data to test the role of engagement.
Journal of Applied Psychology (2005) - This publication covered three main issues: "(a) the content of different affirmative action plans; (b) the 3-way interaction among distributive, procedural, and interactional justice; and (c) the distinction between outcome favorability and distributive justice." This experiment on organization justice and black applicant reactions to affirmative action was carried out by observing a sample of black students who responded to 1 of 6 of their plans.
Personnel Psychology (2011) - This article co-authored by Jerel Slaughter looked deeper into work engagement and its correlation to task and correlation experience. They used meta-analytic data to test the role of engagement.
Journal of Applied Psychology (2005) - This publication covered three main issues: "(a) the content of different affirmative action plans; (b) the 3-way interaction among distributive, procedural, and interactional justice; and (c) the distinction between outcome favorability and distributive justice." This experiment on organization justice and black applicant reactions to affirmative action was carried out by observing a sample of black students who responded to 1 of 6 of their plans.
What is the overall message of each piece?
Journal of Applied Psychology (2015) - The overall message of this article is that "display rules involved more control over emotional expressions (i.e., more deamplification and masking of emotion and less expressing and amplification of emotion) when the interaction partner had higher relative power compared to when the interaction partner had equal or lower relative power...Display rules also involved more control when the interaction partner was low in solidarity compared to when the interaction partner was high in solidarity, with this effect being similar in magnitude for anger and happiness."
Motivation and Emotion (2010) - The overall message of this article was the identification of "5 emotional labor profiles—non-actors, low actors, surface actors, deep actors, and regulators—and found that these actor profiles were distinguished by several emotional labor antecedents (positive affectivity, negative affectivity, display rules, customer orientation, and emotion demands–abilities fit) and differentially predicted employee outcomes (emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and felt inauthenticity)."
Personnel Psychology (2011) - The overall message of this article is that "work engagement is a useful construct that deserves further attention."
Journal of Applied Psychology (2005) - The overall message of this article is "using organizational justice as a guiding framework, the authors studied perceptions of affirmative action programs by presumed beneficiaries."
Personnel Psychology (2011) - The overall message of this article is that "work engagement is a useful construct that deserves further attention."
Journal of Applied Psychology (2005) - The overall message of this article is "using organizational justice as a guiding framework, the authors studied perceptions of affirmative action programs by presumed beneficiaries."
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