Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline

            For this blogpost, I am providing my proposed Content Outline for my final project, the self-reflection.

Format: Video Essay

Opening Section:

For the opening section I'd like to cover how, in general, I have changed as a writer over the course of this semester. I will touch on the topics that will be discussed in my body paragraphs such as changes in my strengths and weaknesses, as well as all the things I have learned this year. I will try and add in a personal story in an attempt to try and make it interesting for my audience.

First Section:

The first section will mainly be a discussion of the type of writer I was before this semester. I will cover what, at the time, I believed were my strengths and weaknesses when it came to writing and English in general. I will also discuss what I perceived this English class was going to be, and maybe some of my fears coming into it, and my expectations.

Second Section:

The second section will discuss the different types of projects I did, and the process work that was included for them. I will talk about how I adjusted to each project and how my previous experience with writing may or may not have helped with creating the project. Once, again, I'll talk about eh strengths and weaknesses of each of those projects. If possible, I'll incorporate snippets of each of my project inside the video.

Third Section:

This third section will be an overall look on how I have changed as a writer. I'll give some examples of how I've changed when it comes to different writing situations. I will also talk about how I can use the skills I've learned and apply them to my professional and academic life. Now that I have learned that different genres are used for different types of audiences, I can talk about analyzing the rhetorical situation of each of my future projects This section will most likely be the longest because it will be the main chunk of the reflection part and self assessment.

Closing Section: 

The closing section of my project will sum up the entire project. It will touch base on how I have transformed as a writer and provide the specifics such as how I've handled time management, how my writing has improved, how I decide to plan things in advance. It will include more than this as well, just recapping on how I have changed. I will also include how I will take these skills and incorporate them to use in the future.

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