Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

This blog serves as a production report for my final video essay for English 109H.

  • How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
The form for how I presented my raw content is much different than what it is going to be in my final project. I have provided a script of what I plan on saying in my Video Essay. The way it will be presented in my Video Essay me saying it while being filmed.
  • How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
So far the production of this raw material has been going okay. I do feel a little rush with the project, especially trying to juggle it with some other projects. I feel like I might be missing some points but I am doing my best to piece it all together.

Outline Item- First Section:

The first section will mainly be a discussion of the type of writer I was before this semester. I will cover what, at the time, I believed were my strengths and weaknesses when it came to writing and English in general. I will also discuss what I perceived this English class was going to be, and maybe some of my fears coming into it, and my expectations.

Adaptation of Outline Item:

Before I started this course, I thought that I was a fairly good writer just for the fact that I have been forced to write all my life. I knew that I had some things to work on here and there, but I genuinely thought I would be set for this course. The english and history courses that i took in high school were held to a very high standard, and my experience with how writing in college went from first semester, made me think that I would be all set for and actual english course for this past semester. I knew I had a problem with time management, I have always had that problem with basically all aspects of my life. One thing I knew for sure is that I always get things done, even if I steer away from a planned schedule, it all comes together in the end. I knew this would give me some challenges along the way, but I did not think it would have such an impact on my coursework for this class. I was always someone who would kind of just let things go with the flow. I never really structured a plan before I started writing, I just let my thoughts flow and then I would do some editing after words. I think this was due to my hatred of revisions and peer review. It would always frustrate me when I would receive feedback and would have to rewrite my entire body of work. My “solution” for this was to just spend a lot of time during my drafts and write it as if it was a final, in hopes of making my revision process less tedious. For the most part it worked, except when I started this class.

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