Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer Review 15

            This blogpost discusses my Peer Review comment for Ellie George's Open Letter for Project 4 of English 109H.

Author: Ellie George

Title & Link to Rough Cut: Draft of Open Letter

I really appreciate how Ellie decided to steer from our suggested project genres and write an Open Letter. I feel like this format is one of the best ways to voice a self-reflection and I can tell from her draft that she's on a good track. She hits all major topics such as the type of writer she was before, how she handled things during the semester, and a reflection of how she came out in the end. I decided to make a content suggest for her and that suggestion was to make her letter flow more, and be a little casual as if she was writing to a friend. The rough cut sounded a little "blocky" and the word choice was fairly bland. I suggested that she work on the transitions between paragraphs and topics and try to expand on her word choice to make it a little more exciting for the reader. She definitely had a good backbone to her project, now she just needs to add all the meat!

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