Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review 14

            This blogpost serves as a peer review for Mike Duffek's Video Essay for Project 4.

Author: Mike Duffek

Title & Link to Post: P4- Content Outline

            For this peer review, I decided to make a brainstorming suggestion for Mike's Video Essay. Mike had a great outline for his video essay, it was easy to follow and very descriptive. He knows exactly what he wants to include in each of the sections of his video and I think his plan is amazing. I am really interested to see how much he has changed as writer just for the fact that he hasn't been in an english class like this in over 10 years. One suggestion that I would like to make is that he should include examples of his work in this course to help expand on the good and/or rough parts of each project that he found. He seems to have a lot of different feelings for each projects, so examples of these would be cool. I think he is on a great track for a great video essay.

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