Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Schedule

            This blogpost serves as a Production Schedule for the final project for English 109H.

April 24th-May 1st

What to do: Blogposts and process work to prepare for the final project
Location: Library/ Home
Resources Required: Laptop
Date Completed: May 2nd
Changes: Blogs (as usual) were completed on Sunday

May 2nd

What to do: Finish blogposts if necessary and start forming a script for the final project
Location: Library/ Home
Resources Required: Laptop
Date Completed: May 2nd

May 3rd

What to do: Finish up script for the project and start recording- even if it is rough - create something that can recieve feedback to improve
Location: Library/ Home
Resources Required: Laptop
Date Completed: May 3rd/4th

May 4th

What to do: Complete rough draft and get it peer edited ASAP
Location: Library/Home
Resources Required: Laptop, peers to review
Date Completed: May 4th

May 5th

What to do: Make adjustments based on peer review and START FINAL CUT.
Location: Library/Home
Resources Required: Laptop
Data Completed: May 5th/6th

May 6th

What to do: Finish up final cut and submit to Dropbox via Youtube link
Location: Library/Home
Resources Required: Laptop
Date Completed: May 6th

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