Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14a

            This blog serves as a production report for my final video essay for English 109H.

  • How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

The form for how I presented my raw content is much different than what it is going to be in my final project. I have provided a script of what I plan on saying in my Video Essay. The way it will be presented in my Video Essay me saying it while being filmed.
  • How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
So far the production of this raw material has been going okay. I do feel a little rush with the project, especially trying to juggle it with some other projects. I feel like I might be missing some points but I am doing my best to piece it all together.

Outline Item- Opening Section:

For the opening section I'd like to cover how, in general, I have changed as a writer over the course of this semester. I will touch on the topics that will be discussed in my body paragraphs such as changes in my strengths and weaknesses, as well as all the things I have learned this year. I will try and add in a personal story in an attempt to try and make it interesting for my audience.

Adaptation of Outline Item:

English has never been my strength when it comes to different subjects in school, so coming into English 109H my second semester of freshman year in college, I really didn’t know what to expect. I heard stories from my older sister that it was going to be a pretty challenging course with a lot of writing. Needless to say, I was a little nervous coming into this class, but it turned out to be very different than what I thought. The way this course was structured was much different than I had anticipated and throughout the semester I truly did not think that I had changed as a writer. After actually looking back on my course work and how I go about starting, actually doing, and finishing my different projects for English, I realized that I actually have changed a lot as a writer. This video serves as a self-assessment of how I personally have transformed as a writer from the beginning to the end of the semester.

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