Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Post Production

            This blog serves as a reflection on the post production for my Project 2 podcast.

What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

            I would say that my biggest success for this week was learning how to properly utilize Audacity. I had some previous experience with it from high school, but I didn't have to use it to the same extent as I did for this project. It took me a little while to figure out how it works, and after watching multiple videos and consulting a handful of friends, I finally figured out all the tricks I needed to pull of my podcast.

What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

            During this week's process work, I really found it hard to get myself to really change the content of my outline. I knew it needed some heavy revisions, but I felt like if I started to change a lot of things, it would not end up being the same project that I had intended it on being. I started off by cleaning up my entire podcast script, fixing grammatical errors, making sentences flow better so it comes off more fluid when I was recording. I took out some extraneous information and added in some details, enough to where I was fairly happy with the script. I mentioned in my previous blogs that I was totally going to revamp the entire script, but after doing some tweaking, I realized I had a fairly decent draft to work off of for my final.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

    I think it's gonna be okay. Now that this project is over and we are moving into the next one, I will definitely use the skills I attained from audacity, in order to create my video essay. I just have to make sure I keep coming up with solid drafts, that way it makes the revision process and final product 10x better than it would be if I had not created a draft with some substance.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

            I actually feel pretty good about how my podcast turned out. I was really overwhelmed that I wouldn't get a script to where my audience would be engaged, but I had people listen to it (and made them be brutally honest) and they said I did a good job at following the conventions of a podcast and breaking up sections so they would not carry on for too long. I definitely could improve the podcast to something amazing, if I had a little more time after the revision process, but I honestly am proud of what I made and think I covered all the bases.

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