Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

            This blogpost was intended to provide the Rough Cut production for Project 2. A link to my podcast is provided below so my peers can give me feedback during the peer review process.

Audience Question: What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?

Author Response

The link to my rough cut podcast for Project 2 can be found here for all viewers with a University of Arizona email. When I say this is a rough cut of Project 2, I really mean it is a rough cut. The transitions are choppy and there are multiple times when I mess up while reading my script for the podcast. I have yet to include additional sound effects, edit the content discussed in the podcast, and I intend to include snippets of the interview into the podcast. My rough draft is around 10 minutes long, but that time frame will change as I continue to edit my script and add other sound effects and what not to my project. I sort of merged my conclusion with my last body section, so I need to go back in and revise, maybe do a comparison of all the genres against each other. I do, however, believe that my draft is strong when it comes to content. I know there is a lot of work to do from here, but I hope I am in the right direction. I hope those who peer review me won't hold back and will provide me with good constructive criticism that I can utilize in my editing phase. I will have to do some major revamping for my post-production, but I intend on using my flights during this break to edit and/or create new content for this project.


  1. Hi PJ!
    I thought that your podcast was really good. You definitely had a lot of information and I thought that you shared it in a good way. You talked really clearly and were easy to understand. One thing that I did notice though was that you didn't have a title. And you already mentioned this, but sound effects/music will really add to it. There were also a few pauses that were kind of long, but you could add sound effects in these places. Good rough draft though!

  2. Hey PJ, I thought that your descriptions and use of visualization was really well done in your podcast. There are only a couple things that I would add in order to make it perfect. The first thing is that I would add some audio from your interviews in order to meet the conventions of a podcast. I would also add your works cited or references to the end as well as music during your podcast at some point. Other than that this is a great project and keep up the good work.
