Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production 8b

This blogpost is intended to discuss a certain section of my Content Outline, and provide a rough example of it from our first draft. This blogpost differs from the one before, because it analyzes a different section of the content outline. A link to the rough example will be provided below to those with a University of Arizona Email.

The following is from my Content Outline.

Main Idea for Each Section + Evidence +Importance of Evidence

           For the first body section of my podcast, I'd really like to give my audience a sense of my two interviewees as a whole, talking about their professional and academic lives and discuss their research and personal preferences for writing genres. The two major pieces of evidence that I will use for the first section of my podcast are the interviews that took place (including snippets here and there) as well as their Linkinedin/social media.The use of the interviews and the Linkedin profiles to create the first section of my podcast is to give the reader first-hand insight into the two professionals that I interviewed. Since I will be including actual snippets of the interview, the audience gets a better sense of their personality and the Linkedin information gives them a factual background.

*The link to the Outline Item for my Intro can be found here*

Adaptation of Outline Item

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

  For this section I really tried to give an idea of the interviewee as a whole. I realized halfway through writing my script that I was talking a lot about them rather than my genre at hand, so I had to cut down on some material. I didn't include information of their LinkedIn profiles as I said I would, but I feel like I could switch up this section a bit. I noticed that I started to discuss the genres inside of the section dedicated to the interviewees. In a way I feel like I did the opposite of what I was avoiding; I thought I would end up talking too much about the interviewees and ended up talking about the genres more. This section will definitely be edited and I hope to give my audience a better feel of the professional, that way they can understand their sue of certain genres. I can definitely cut down on this section, give a better and clear explanation of the interviewees and their backgrounds, and explain the genres later.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

Like I said in the question above, I started to steer away from my intended goal for this certain section. It was meant to give a run down of the professionals and some background info, as well as mentioning the genres used. I feel like I kind of mixed the interview section with my other two body sections...which resulted in me not even having my intended third body section. I definitely have the information I need, and I should make more use of the interviews that took place, because I don't think I utilized them to their fullest potential. In the end, like I've said before, this is just a reflection of the script that I had. I am not good at talking as I go because I would most likely repeat myself or make numerous mistakes; making the editing process harder than it needs to be. I'm glad I have something to work with and that I can use this rough cut to heavily improve my next draft, but I have a lot ahead of me.

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