Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production 8a

This blogpost is intended to discuss a certain section of my Content Outline, and provide a rough example of it from our first draft. A link to the rough example will be provided below to those with a University of Arizona Email.

The following is from my Content Outline.

An Opening Section

           For the opening section I want to introduce what is going to be discussed in the podcast and give some background information on the two professionals that I had interviewed for this project. After explaining why I chose these professionals, I’ll mention the main genre examples that I will be discussing in the podcast.

*The link to the Outline Item for my Intro can be found here*

Adaptation of Outline Item

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

  The intro to any project is the most crucial part of the entire thing because it sets the scene for the audience, and determines whether or not the audience member will stay engaged or move on to something else. For this introduction, I tried to cover all the bases of my project, giving a slight taste of what is to come, without revealing too much. Instead of just diving into the project, I decided to try and make it professional by introducing myself and the project, and then diving into what the project is and what I decided to research.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

Since this was the first part that I recorded, it was a little challenging trying to figure out what to do or how to speak. I had to relearn audacity first and make sure I was in the right setting so I would not get any extraneous noise. I feel like I have something solid to work with in my intro but it could definitely be altered to something more engaging. I realized afterwards that I should include why I chose these genres, or the certain professors, rather than just saying it was for a project. Like Professor Bottai said in class, stating why you chose something gives it more credibility and helps make the audience trust what you are saying. Overall, perfecting my script would be my main concern right now, and the little things can be fixed along the way.

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