Sunday, March 6, 2016

Content Outline

              This post is intended to provide a content outline for my Project 2 Podcast in hopes that I can stay on a general schedule to create my project in an effective manner.

Alexis_Fotas. "To Do List Do List Task Pens" 5/7/2015 via Pixabay.
CC0 Public Domain License.

 Audience Question: How are you going to organize your project?

An Opening Section 

  For the opening section I want to introduce what is going to be discussed in the podcast and give some background information on the two professionals that I had interviewed for this project.

At Least 3 Main Body Sections 

  • Talk about the interviews that took place.
  • Explain the significance/differences/similarities of the different genres they all use.
  • Tie everything together in an organized fashion, emphasizing key concepts

A Closing Section 

  For the closing section I would like to explain why having different genre forms for writing is crucial in a business management profession, and that different writing forms have different effects on the audience. Each sector of business management has its own target audience.

Main Idea for Each Section 

  For the opening and closing sections, I have already given the main idea of what I expect to do with those parts of my podcast. For the first body section of my podcast, I'd really like to give my audience a sense of my two interviewees as a whole, talking about their professional and academic lives and discuss their research and personal preferences for writing genres. I'd then like to transition my podcast into an analysis and/or comparison of the different genres used between my two interviewees to give the audience a better sense of how teach different classes, working with different people, and researching different things requires different forms of writing from the professionals. I would then go into the final stage of the podcast where I really tie up the entire analysis of my two interviewees and to highlight key concepts that I found and make connections.

Major Pieces of Evidence for Each Body Section (there should be at least 2 for each) 

  1. First Section: The two major pieces of evidence that I will use for the first section of my podcast are the interviews that took place (including snippets here and there) as well as their Linkinedin/social media.
  2. Second Section: For this second section I would use the interviews (again), and I would also incorporate other writing genres used in the business world.
  3. Third Section: For this final section I would use all the data analyzed to make my connections and inferences about what I found. I would also use additional research to find what writing genres are used for what audiences in both an academic and professional setting.

Summary of What the Evidence Proves and Why it is Important (for each piece of evidence) 

  1. First section: The use of the interviews and the Linkedin profiles to create the first section of my podcast is to give the reader first-hand insight into the two professionals that I interviewed. Since I will be including actual snippets of the interview, the audience gets a better sense of their personality and the Linkedin information gives them a factual background.
  2. Second section: Once again, the interviews will be used to provide primary research to my podcast which allows the audience to know it is credible data. The decision to incorporate and discuss additional genres helps further analyze/compare the two, but it also brings insight to how similar/different they are to other professionals in their area.
  3. Third section: I would incorporate information that I analyzed from previous sections of my podcasts to help support the claims that I make about professionals in my major. As long as my previous statements are true, my analysis could be deemed credible. I would also incorporate additional research about how professionals in my major (or business in general) utilize different writing genres in order to reach out to a certain audience. In addition, to show how diverse the genres can be, proving that Gabriel and Slaughter aren't so different after all.

Some ideas about how to grab the reader’s attention in the opening section (at least 2) 

  1. Explain the significance of effectively of teaching business students different writing techniques and how to target certain audiences.
  2. Try and relate to my target audience and "involve them" in my podcast, making it more conversational rather than a lecture.

Some idea about how to explain the larger significance of your subject in the closing section (at least 2)

  1. Talk about how every different profession, and every different class have very different people that are being spoken to, and only certain mediums effectively get through to those certain audiences.
  2. Talk about how the use of different writing genres is okay and that it is beneficial to move away from what is considered "normal", because the normal way isn't always the most effective.

1 comment:

  1. I like the outline and I like how you're using your own approach to organizing it. For me, the rhetorical concepts and genres get lost. One idea: if you put any rhetorical concepts, genres, genre examples, and genre conventions in this outline in bold font, it would help them pop and you might see where the outline has good rhetorical development and where it needs a bit more.... Let me know how I can be of service here.
