Saturday, January 23, 2016

Course Projects

            Reviewing all of the guidelines for the 4 major projects for this course, I was able to get a better understanding of what is expected of me for each project. Each project i going to be a month long process and I know that I have to put my best foot forward and stay on top of my work if I want to successfully produce a quality project. I'm a little nervous about how well I will be able to manage my time, but I am determined to change my ways if I need to. I definitely stepped up my game first semester so I really hope that carries on this semester and that I become better at my time management skills. I'm also a little hesitant about the video essay, because I've rarely made videos for class and I do not know too much about editing.
            Branching off of that note, I clearly will be learning a lot of new skills this semester. Not only with writing, but I will learn how to edit and produce videos, create podcasts, and successfully make my own argument. There is no doubt that it's going to be hard at first, but I love challenges and I am sure that I will be able to figure it all out. I'm very excited to learn these skills and expand on what I know about writing and technology.
            The greatest challenge out of all these projects is simply time management. I have to constantly planning ahead and sticking with my schedule. I can't afford to keep pressing snooze on my reminders multiple times a day -like I currently do- but I actually have to get my work done when I plan for it. This is going to be hard seeing as though I usually just try and get work done whenever I am free, but I know this won't be a good plan while trying to juggle these projects and other classes.

bsoist. "Good Time Management" 6/6/2012 via Flickr.
Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic License.
            The english courses I took in high school really helped my transition into college. I always had to write lengthy essays and the revision process was always crucial in order to receive a good grade. All that pressure that I constantly had helped shape me as a writer and become a way better one than I was before. Literally everyone that graduates from my high school knows how to write a better-than-average paper and has gone through the process of writing multiple 15-20 papers with proper citations, etc. All of this work done in high school has allowed me to write quality essays in a very short amount of time, and how to properly edit them (even though I hate that process). This, however, can sometimes be a setback because I know I can write something decent in a short amount of time and that increases my chances of procrastination.
            At this point in the semester I have no further questions. The guidelines for the projects are in-depth and cover everything about the project.

            I read and commented on the Course Project posts of both Arun and Mike. It was nice to see that everyone is pretty much feeling the same way for this course. At least we all are aware of what is expected of us and we can help each other out along the way. Being able to relate to other's issues like time management, or branching out really makes this english class a more comforting environment. I really look forward to seeing how Mike incorporates his eventful past into his current writings, as well as the other students.


  1. PJ,

    I definitely relate to the fact that it is going to be very difficult learning all of these new skills this semester, especially considering that not all of these skills will be in writing either. However, I also agree that this class is meant to be a challenge and it is definitely reassuring to see that while it may be difficult, we all are here and up for the challenge of learning about these new genres.

  2. Hi PJ,

    I can relate to you in that I have never done these genres before. The time element makes it nerve-racking too, since you have to learn everything about the method and then create a quality product. However, I'm sure our class will be willing to assist one another if we're having difficulty figuring things out.


  3. PJ,
    I too am excited for the opportunity to learn how to edit video and sound to create new and exciting works. Time management will most definitely be of the utmost importance with the month long projects being something that cannot be completed at the last moment. Luckily we have that last two weeks to edit and help each other with any issues we have, especially with all the new technology this seems very important.


  4. Just adding spaces between paragraphs would make this SOOOOO much easier to read. Love your audience.....
